5 steps to lose weight in your sleep!
"There is a false belief that sleep is a waste of time and that we can get away with less than we need, but truth is people who cut...
Top 10 reasons why you need yoga in winter
1. The winter yoga glow – skin renewal The skin is the largest organ of the body and contributes significantly to the detoxifying process...
How to shift from stress to power
Do you find it hard to keep up with the school notes from your kids? Are you overwhelmed with work commitments? Are your house chores...
Top 20 reasons why old women ROCK!
The other day I heard a 24 year old woman refer to herself as old. I snickered and remembered my oath to self when I was about the same...
How to love yourself full-heartedly
Guess what: I have insecurities. Since the day my daughter was born, I have doubted my mothering. I have felt guilty. For all sorts of...
The gooey stuff between your ears
So here is the thing. We think that reality looks a certain way and because we are the lead character in our own Hollywood play called...
What fathers and peace have in common
At two points in recent times I have been asked what I truly, deeply burn and desire for the betterment of this world. Those of you who...
How to love your mistakes
I don't know how many times I have cried in my bedroom feeling like a failure. Do you? There was the time when I had to jump off my...
How to know if you are on the "right" path
So here is another confession: Christmas Eve I finally told my father that I had opened up a yoga studio. The reason for this was that...
How to pick fights and how to find peace
The week before Christmas, family is gathering and isn't there at least one person in the family getting on your nerves? Old childhood...